Quality is not an accident. The certification body of ift Rosenheim supports you with industry-specific and technically competent auditors and evaluates your management systems and products in this manner. Certification by ift Rosenheim enjoys a high level of acknowledgement and acceptance with manufacturers, designers, dealers, tendering agencies and users or consumers.
ift is recognised by the building supervisory authority for certification of Ü marking and one of the first notified bodies of the industry, authorised for certification and surveillance of Ü marking. The direction of the industry’s important standardisation commissions warrants an important headstart of knowledge for ift, offering decisive advantages regarding handling and interpretation of product standards as well as the mandatory CE marking in Europe.
The “flexible” accreditation by DAkkS (Deutsche Akkreditierungsstelle, the national accreditation body) is the basis for competent and diversified service. Cooperation with leading national and international certification bodies, such as SKG (NL), BCCA (B), HFA (A) and CSTB (F) ensure the mutual recognition of testing and surveillance. In this manner, companies are in a position to avoid multiple tests or surveillance operations.