ift Quality Sign

Windows and doors are durable products with great influence on the energy performance and quality of life, in particular the daylight supply, natural ventilaton and the visual contact between interior and exterior. A good quality, usability and functionality of windows, doors and facades arises when the individual components function as a system and are suitable for the intended purpose of use. Even small defects such as incorrect screwing of fittings, joints in the inner seal or an undersized mounting quickly lead to structural damage. Therefore, house owners rightly expect that construction elements are fit for use and are safe and work continuously over a long period.

Aspects such as usability, functionality, durability, safety and convenience are part of quality. The quality and performance of construction elements strongly depends on the purpose. However, one window type for each purpose cannot exist. Therefore, an application-oriented planning and tendering is necessary.

In addition, the quality requirements required by the market are different. Hence, an effective internal and external quality control is needed to ensure that the determined properties (CE mark) of a specimen window (test specimen) can alsoe be reached by a ‘normal’ window produced in series. Therefore, ift Rosenheim has developed the graduated quality mark (tested, standard, quality and premium).

Clearly defined criterias and tests, such as regular third party control and a transparent communication of the evaluation criterias and technical parameters on ift-website (www.ift-rosenheim.de/ift-qualitaetszeichen) are behind the ift quality mark. Competence and neutrality create confidence among house owners, architects, developers, authorities and other people interested in building.

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